Sunday, September 11, 2011

Financing Alternatives

Recently, I have been under contract with a startup company to do some media work for them. While I cannot disclose which company, I can say that I have been exposed to some really interesting companies for startup companies looking for funding. 

One of my favorites that I have encountered is Plug and Play Tech Center. Plug and Play Tech Center is a company that joins startups together. It is a community of over 300 startup tech companies from around the world.

They bring in resources such as funding from corporate investors and venture capitalists, data centers, hiring strategies, residence programs for entrepreneurs, resources, and office space.

If your company is specializing a media production and technology focus, you might consider joining Plug and Play Tech Center.

Rogers Ventures is a leading venture capital company out of Toronto that features media companies and technology. They have helped launch companies like ScribbleLive and Thora as part of a digital media strive for better news and live note taking. While they may be based in Canada, you may find that your neighborhood has more funding sources like this venture capitalist company with resources and support your company needs. Companies like Rogers Ventures want to hear your ideas and innovation, so seek them out.

One place to seek companies out would be to checkout DEMO, a seasonally held event to launch startup companies and products. Investors and creators from around the world will be at these events. This is a place where highly regarded employees from companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Microsoft, Dell, HP and more will be in attendance.

You will also find funding sources and other resources that will help your company succeed.  Check out the sources page on the DEMO website for a list of companies that you might be able to work with. 

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