Sunday, August 7, 2011

Business Plan Experts

When I think about the new media industry and the people who dominate the attention of news sites I think of Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg and Apple founder, Steve Jobs. Both have been highly scrutinized in the media for their involvement in the development of our creative society and businesses. Apple is always in the media for it's new services and products and Facebook is on the front of social media users. These companies thrive on a perceived image and reputation of the people who use services provided by these companies.

Steve Jobs has done a great job at keeping Apple in the news in a popular light while maintaining a strict design that was distinct to his company. Wired magazine put it like this, "No product escapes Cupertino without meeting Jobs' exacting standards, which are said to cover such esoteric details as the number of screws on the bottom of a laptop and the curve of a monitor's corners. "He would scrutinize everything, down to the pixel level," says Cordell Ratzlaff, a former manager charged with creating the OS X interface"(Kahney, 2008). Jobs not only runs his company, but he has a strong hand in it's design and development. This kind of involvement shows dedication toward a quality product and investors are reassured of the ability to sell more product.

Mark Zuckerberg only recently developed a plan for his company. He let Facebook become it's own powerhouse before taking back the reins of control. Facebook has been highly experimental with design and features for its users, the most recent has been the development of Facebook for Business, a page dedicated toward bringing in businesses to use Facebook as for their target markets ("Facebook for business," 2011). This flexibility has enabled Facebook to adapt to new scenarios in which the old models of Facebook would no longer serve it's purpose.

Both of these companies have a common enemy, Google. Google has proven to be a successful opponent in both the computing software world and the social media world. Google+ has 18 million followers (Simon, 2010), but there has been little to no news to how Google+ will be utilized as a information source to advertisers.

Facebook for business. (2011, August 7). Retrieved from

Kahney, Leader. (2008, March 18). How apple got everything right by doing everything wrong . Wired , 16(04), Retrieved from

Simon, Saavedra. (2010, August 7). Google plus hits 18m, suggests facebook users ready to migrate? poll. Retrieved from

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