Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Live Sound, Live Music

With current lawsuits against music pirating, it is clear that a new strategy must emerge for profit to be made. Sky News Online quoted Chris Wright of Chysalis saying, "You can't download the experience of being at a live gig." I believe the most beneficial plan is  having a well-rehersed act, a stocked merchandise table and website, and respect for the fans will lead to profitable popularity.

If I had the choice to live anywhere and do anything the rest of my life it would be to be on tour with a band. One of my basic criteria for whether or not I like a musical act is how they sound live. There is something about the in-person experience versus a recording in the car or in a room that defines a moment in time differently.

Every seminar I have attended the last year, artists and promoters are depending on concerts to turn a profit as well as pushing merchandise. Because recordings are no longer a profit-maker for the label or the artist, the quality of work can only get better from here on.

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