Saturday, December 18, 2010

Who Do You Think You Are?

As you can see from my previous blogs, I have attended a few workshops lately with the Recording Academy. One of the most important things to consider when starting a band, a management company, or even having a show is what is your brand. Everything you sell has to provide some sort of insight to who you are and the image your fans will achieve if they buy into your products.

For me, my personal brand is NerdyRockChick. Most of my social media contacts are listed under the persona with the exception of LinkedIn for professional purposes. I based the name on a questionnaire that told me to describe myself in three words.  I love sci-fi, punk rock and I am a girl.  NerdyRockChick.

Once you figure all of that out and you establish your brand, you now have to protect it with everything you have. No matter how small your operation might be, there are can always be a negative side to your image.

One of the blogs I follow is Internet Paraganar. There are quite a few topics covered on the website but their internet/computer blogs have many useful blogs on marketing. A blog that recently caught my eye covers protecting your brand name and reputation online. There are many people who can attack your brand. “People who want to destroy your reputation could be your business competitors, former employees ore even customers dissatisfied with your service delivery or your product”.

Translation for artists, anyone who has a similar style, former band mates, and fans that stood out in the rain for two hours while you were a no show.  So what can you do to diminish the damage? Social media is by far the best bridge to use to reach out to those who have nothing good to say. A tactic seen by bands on twitter such as @bfsrocks (Bowling for Soup) is reaching out and sending a personal mention or a general tweet toward fans apologizing for errors in information.  

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